Kennett / Unionville
NFL Flag Football

WELCOME Our New KU Directors
Nicole Farrell & Erica Novak!
Spring Itinerary :
3/14/25 - Regular Registration Ends
3/16/25 -Rosters Created
3/18/25 - Rosters Finalized & Distributed to Coaches & Participants
3/19/25 - Jerseys Ordered
3/23/25 - Coaches Meeting w/ Girls League via Zoom (link will be emailed)
3/25/25 or 3/27/25 - KU 1st Practice
3/30/25 - 1st Game
3/31/25 - Late signup Jersey Order
KU NFL Flag Football
Kennett & Unionville and the Surrounding areas
Patton Middle School - Turf Fields, 760 Unionville Rd, Kennett Square, PA
Sundays - 10am - 1pm*
*Times may vary depending on # of teams
All games are played as 2 - 24 minute halves
Patton Middle School - Bus Depot, 132 East Doe Run Road, Kennett Square, PA
Tuesday 6-7pm - Division 4, 5, 6 *
Thursday 6-7pm - Division 1, 2, 3 *
*Coaches may request a different practice day - ex. a Division 3 team may practice on Tuesdays & vice versa.
If you need a specific practice day, please request at registartion - no guarantees, however.
Practice at least once a week and Games once a week
8 Weeks: 7 Games minimum *weather permitting
Official NFL Flag reversible jersey and NFL flags included with registration
All teams are coached by volunteer parents. Please let us know if you are interested in coaching
League Fee $180
Mouthpiece, Water Bottle, Rubber cleats
2024 Divisions by Age:
*Divisions are subject to change*
Division 1: Pre k - K (min age 4)
Division 2: 1st & 2nd Grade
Division 3: 3rd & 4th Grade
Division 4: 5th & 6th Grade
Division 5: 7th & 8th Grade